This streaming API will cannot currently stream more than 1000 active assets according to the filter. If the filter returns more than 1000 results, the result set will exclude some items according to the sorting parameters. Items will be added or removed from the result set according sort order and limit as they are updated.
This asset streaming API uses HTTP streaming to send any update to an asset record (including but not limited to location, status and type), according to the filtering, limit and sort order parameters on the request.
The results are returned in atomic 'changeset' XML elements. Each changeset contains a single 'assets' element, which can contain one or more 'asset' elements, and each 'asset' element contains one updated asset record.
If the 'changeset' element contains the 'clear' property set to 'true', this means any state maintained on the client side (such as a list of available assets) should be reset/cleared prior to processing any of the 'checkin' elements in the changeset. If no client-side state is maintained, this property can be ignored.
If an 'asset' element contains the 'remove' property set to 'true', this means that the asset record has been set removed (gone offline) and updates will cease until the asset logs in again.
'subtype' values:
security-officer - traditional responder asset that uses OmniGuard that is displayed in the Command live view.
bus - a vehicle asset that is tracked via SafeTrans which is displayed on Command live view as well as the SafeZone app bus tracking views.
vehicle - a generic vehicle asset that is tracked via SafeTrans which is displayed on the command live view.
'status' values:
available - assets that are current logged in / connected.
offline - assets that are currently logged off / disconnected.
duress - assets that have activated duress mode.
'sort_property' values:
updated - sorts the assets by the time they were last updated.
location - sorts the assets by their last location update time.